Looking for Women’s sexual enhancement? Consider the O-Shot. We treat the whole body to help you feel your best in every way including sexually. Female sexual enhancement can be treated in many ways. The O-Shot is a highly sought-after treatment for female sexual enhancement. We understand that this subject can be one of the toughest to bring up to your physician and it is important to us that you feel comfortable speaking about your concerns. The aging process, medical conditions, medications, etc. are just some of the reasons you are not alone in your journey if you are looking for proven ways to get more enjoyment from your sex life.
The O-Shot uses PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) therapy. Your own plasma is injected back into your clitoris and vagina. PRP is a powerful way to harness your body’s own rich resources to treat some of the most common issues women face.
Sexual dissatisfaction due to:
Decreased libido (sex drive)
Decreased ability to orgasm
Sexual issues and lower quality of life due to:
(About 1 in 20 women face these issues)
Stress urinary incontinence
Urge urinary incontinence
Lichen sclerosis
Postpartum fecal incontinence
Chronic pain from trauma from child birth, especially in cases of episiotomies